Career at Eimskip Denmark A/S

Eimskip’s employees, their knowledge and skills, are the company’s greatest resource. The team consists of different individuals who undertake a variety of work and have a diversity of experience and knowledge.

Job opportunities

Job opportunities

Eimskip Denmark A/S employs highly qualified staff with Eimskip’s values as their guiding; achievement, cooperation and trust. We offer job opportunities in various functions within shipping, forwarding, finance, warehouse, operation and sales. Anyone interested in being a part of Eimskip Denmark A/S strong team is encouraged to apply.

See our openings and apply

Kickstart your Career

Kickstart your career with our Trainee Program

Eimskip Denmark A/S has extensive experience in training and developing new talents through our trainee program. The program gives you a strong international business education and the best opportunity to kickstart your career. We are very proud of the program and are happy to see that our trainees go on and have rewarding careers within Eimskip and many of them are still with us many years later. 

Read more and see openings